Thursday 7/11/24
9.00-9.30 Welcome-inscriptions
9.30-10.00 Greetings
10.00-12.00 Session I (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Soundscapes in Virtual and Augmented Reality 

Konstantina Stavropoulou and Magdalini Chatzaki: Integrating Soundscapes with Augmented Reality: Design and Implementation of a Geo-Located Audio AR App on the European Trail E4 on the Sitia Plateau

Philippos Theocharidis
: Interactive electroacoustic music – the concert space as an ecosystem: The Mon Repos Augmented Soundscape Project – A site specific sound installation in a dialectic with its environment

Christina Georgiou, 
Αreti Andreopoulou, and Anastasia GeorgakiΔιερεύνηση της επίπτωσης των Μαγνητικών Καταιγίδων στο γήινο οικοσύστημα μέσω της ηχητικής αποτύπωσης

Improvisation, body, voice and space and acoustic ecology

Mary Fogarty
The Horrors of ‘Harmlessness’: the 2024 ‘Cicadapocalypse’ and Climate Change 

Maria Eftychia Papadomanolaki, Alyssa Moxley, and Lisa Hall
: Collective Listening Across Distance Hannah Kemp-Welch, Brigitte Hart, Georgia Leigh-Münster

Nicolas Remy, Evangelia Paxinou, and Petros Flampouris
All That Is Solid Decays Into Air

SESSION II (in parallel) (Amphitheater Argyriadis)

Soundscape Analysis I

Petros Flampouris and Nicola Remy
Non-standard acoustic measurements for architectural soundscape mapping      

Philippe Woloszyn, Kahina Ikni, and Elsa Alfonsi
: The sound territories of diversity, between humans and non-humans. An anthropological-biodiversity approach to the soundscapes territorialization in urban resourcing areas

Mersida Ndrevataj and Petros Flampouris
Echoes of Embodied Experiences: Walking Methodologies for Sensorial Research


Soundscape Analysis II

Maria Kantzaridou, Ioannis Ekklisiarchos, Panagiotis Georgiakakis, Ioannis Nikoloudakis, and Kaloust Paragamian
Soundscape of Agia Paraskevi Cave (Skoteino, Crete, Greece)       

Aggelos Tsaligopoulos, Stella Sofia Kyvelou, Nicos Bobolos, Aimilia Karapostoli, and Yiannis Matsinos
Measuring the noise footprint of tourism       

Petros Flampouris
 DIY sound practices for Architecture experiencing

12.00-12.30 Cοffee break
12.30-14.30 Paper session III

SESSION III (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Soundscape analysis and Digital Preservation I

Natalia Lithadioti and Theofanis Maragkos
The sounds of the last traditional tinsmith of Skopelos      

Foivos Adamidis, Kalliopi Chatzimichail, Sofia Kapota, Panagiotis Karounias, Christos Paleologos, Theofanis Maragkos, and Charikleia Minotou
Soundscapes and Soundwalks at Protected Areas, The case study of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos      

Emmanouil Lianis, Giorgos Dedousis, Konstantinos Bakogiannis, and Areti AndreopoulouExploring the sonic tapestry of insular Greece: Spatial capture and systematic analysis of the Naxos’ Island soundscape

Soundscape analysis and Digital Preservation I

Katerina TzedakiΤα ηχοτοπία της παράκτιας τουριστικής περιοχής του Αδελιανού κάμπου στο Ρέθυμνο της Κρήτης

Dimitra Agrafioti, Emmanouil Anastasiadis, and Theofanis MaragkosThe Wetland of Vravrona: Case Study of a Recording of a Threatened Soundscape

Penelope Bekiari, George Edmondson, and Anastasia Georgaki
Resonant Echoes: Acoustic Heritage and Cultural Memory in the Mani Peninsula

SESSION IV (In Parallel) (Αmphitheater Argyriadis)

Acoustic ecology and soundscape ecology I

Frank Pecquet
Sound anthropology and ecosound  

Μέλισσα-Άννα Σελεβίστα: Καταγραφή και αξιολόγηση ηχητικού περιβάλλοντος: “Η προσέγγιση του ηχοτοπίου ως εργαλείο ενίσχυσης της ακουσματικής εμπειρίας σε άτομα με ή χωρίς απώλεια ακοής”

Charikleia Minotou, Theofanis Maragkos, Aristotelis Martinis, Aristotelis Filippos Skiadaresis, and Spyros Kotomatas
Acoustic ecology and Protected areas, the challenge to raise awareness and promote their unique cultural and environmental value through soundscapes. The case study of Gyaros Marine Protected Area


Acoustic ecology and soundscape ecology II

Peter Nelson
: Some Notes on an Ecology of Time     

Wiktor Mastela, Areti Andreopoulou, and Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris
:  Environmental Sound as a Form of Ecological Activism. Case Study: The Soundscape of “Pedion Areos”

Gabriel Farilekas, Anastasia Georgaki, Thanos Polymeneas, and Penelope Bekiari

Ground Vibrations and Geophonic Sounds Impact on Human Brain Activity

14.30-16.00 Lunch break
16.00-16.30 KEYNOTE LECTURE I (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Makis SolomosListening to other-than-humans: becoming-insects

16.30-18.30 SESSION V (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Soundscapes as a compositional framework I

Θωμάς Αποστολόπουλος
Ηχητικό περιβάλλον και παραδοσιακή Μουσική στα ορεινά Πιέρια  πριν την ηλεκτροδότηση:

Luc Messinezis
Acoustic Futures: Eavesdropping on Dystopian and Utopian Possibilities

Maria Kolia and Areti Andreopoulou
“Oceanic ClimateScapes”: A real – time sonification of aquatic physicochemical climate change data, set on marine soundscapes


Soundscapes as a compositional framework II

Theofanis Maragkos, Georgios Konstantakis, Athanasios Epitideios, Apostolos Loufopoulos and Renata Dalianoudi
The soundscapes of Kea as an auditory background for recording traditional instrumentalists

Nikolaos Kokolakis
Utilizing soundscape analysis for site-related fixed media composition inspired by the acoustic environment and history of the Decauville route at Alona, Florina

Dimitris Bakas and Eleni Gerofoka
Air and Sound: Historical sound and Archeological data transformed into Sound Art

18.30-20.30 Break
20.30 Soundscape Concert I (Romanzo)
22.00 Reception buffet (Romanzo)
Friday 8/11/24
9.30-11.00 SESSION VI (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Acoustic ecology in education I

Aimilia Karapostoli, Dimitris Giouzepas, and Aggelos Tsaligopoulos
: The notion of soundscape in Architectural education; The case of two short design assessments in the studio

Olympia Agalianou
Approaching urban parks through movement and listening: An educational intervention for environmental awareness           

Renata Dalianoudi, Sotiriou Christina, and Theofanis Maragkos
Radio ecological documentary: from the field recordings in the natural environment to the educational audio-stories           

Andreas Mniestris and Ioanna Etmektsoglou
: Acoustic Ecology and Transdisciplinarity in University Music Studies: A context for cultivating sound aesthetics, ethics and ecological activism

Δημήτριος Σαρρής
: Πρόγραμμα «Ηχοτοπία του Ταϋγέτου»: Από τον ηχητικό γραμματισμό στον οικολογικό γραμματισμό 

11.00-12.00 Cοffee break
12.00-13.20 SESSION VII (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Acoustic ecology in education II

Yannis MygdanisDesign and implementation of STEAM scenarios reflecting ubiquitous acoustic ecologies in primary music education: an initial overview and perspectives

Dana Papachristou and Yorgos Samantas
Aural Inclusion: Bridging Sound Art and Technology for/with the d/Deaf and hard of hearing

Andromachi Vrakatseli
Acoustic Oiko-topia: Educational aspects of collectivity and sustainability through sound

Theodoros Lotis
: Latent Learning and the Salami Sound Effect

13.30-15.00 Ηellenic Society of Acoυstic Ecology consortium
15.00-16.00 Lunch break
16.00-16.30 KEYNOTE LECTURE II (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Francois Bernard MachePhonographies and soundscapes

16.40-18.20 SESSION VIII (Amphitheater Drakopoulos)

Bioacoustics, biodiversity, and climate crisis

Ricardo Climent and Camille Rivera
Bioacoustics and videogames as transformative media   to engage the public in sustainability. Restoring blue carbon habitats in the Philippines

Panagiotis Syrios, Angeliki Kontopoulou, and Anastasia Georgaki
“The Song of Blackbird”: a bioacoustic and musicological approach           

Dimitris Batsis
EcoMuseum Zagori soundscapes: Raising awareness through acoustic community interventions

Katerina Talianni
Ecocritical sonorous narratives: soundscapes for listening in the Anthropocene

Dimitra Remidianaki, Orestis Karamanlis and Anastasia Georgaki
: Vln_temp project: Music creation for violin and live electronics using sound transfer techniques to reflect global temperature changes

19.00 Sound Walk (By Katerina Tzedaki)
21.00 CONCERT II (Romantso)

Soundscape Concert II

Saturday 9/11/24
10.00 Bus to Ancient Epidaurus
11.30 Arrival at Αncient Epidaurus-hotel
12.30-14.00 Soundwalk and recording at the Small Theater of Epidaurus
14.00-16.30 Lunch break
17.00-18.30 Round Table 1 “soundscapes, bioacosutics and cliamte
crisis” at Ligourio Cultural center.
18.30-19.00 Break

John DreverTBA

19.30-20.30 soundscape concert
21.00 Dinner
Sunday 10/11/24
11.00 Visit to Ancient theater of Epidaurus
11.00 Sound walk on the ancient path to the Theater
12.00 Soundscape recordings and Αcoustic experiments at the Ancient Theater
14.30 Lunch
16.30 Back to Athens