Submission Deadline Has Now Expired

I) Papers
Authors interested in presenting their research work as a lecture/poster must submit a title,
abstract, list of authors, keywords, as well as an extended abstract (up to 750 words) of
their work including a summary of the purpose of the work, methodology and results, in
English, using the Easychair link below:

Deadline 15 July 2024

Authors of accepted proposals will be asked to submit a full manuscript of up to 8 pages,
written in English. Information regarding the full paper format will follow. Submitted full
papers will be part of the conference proceedings, only if presented during the conference.
The official language of the conference is Greek. However, papers may be presented in

Conference Topics
Biophony and climate change crisis
Soundscape analysis
Soundscape synthesis
Acoustic ecology and soundscape ecology
Acoustic ecology in education
Bioacoustics and biodiversity
Soundscape mapping
Soundscape mapping and new technologies
Space and soundscape design
Sounding of space signals and synthesis in the context of acoustic ecology
Sound installations and the climate crisis.
Semantics of soundscapes
Archaeology of sound and soundscapes
Acoustic ecology and ecological aesthetics: human and natural soundscapes as a
compositional framework
Soundscapes in Virtual and Augmented Reality and acoustic ecology
Archaeomusicological approaches to soundscapes
Improvisation, body, voice and space and acoustic ecology
Theories of listening and immersion experience in digital environments
Biophony and psychoacoustics
Soundscape and cognitive sciences in the context of acoustic ecology
Soundscape Digital Preservation

II) Soundscape Compositions

Proposals for soundscape compositions or creative works related to the study and practices
of Acoustic Ecology and especially to the topic of the conference. To Submit your work
please fill in the online form.

Deadline 10 September 2024

III) Workshops
Proposals for workshops related to the study and practices of Acoustic Ecology and
especially to the topic of the conference. To Submit your workshop proposal, including an
extended abstract (750 words), please fill in the online form.

Deadline 10 September 2024